Lyrics of PAGES OF MY HEART - Owie Abutu Verse 1: Our God is indescribable His name is hallowed in the firmament He’s the Passover Lamb through space and time Our God is indescribable His name is hallowed in the firmament He’s the Passover Lamb through space and time So from the pages of my heart Let my worship begin but never end So from the pages of my heart Let my worship begin but never end to the God of all flesh Chorus: For He’s my God and His name is Yahweh His name is Yahweh, Yahweh (Repeat four times) (Yes You are are, yes You are) For He’s my God and His name is Yahweh (Lion and the Lamb) His name is Yahweh, (I am that I am),Yahweh (You are my God) Verse 2 Your Majesty revealed to all Your love is so so overwhelming To Your Government, there is no end Your Majesty revealed to all Your love is so so overwhelming To Your Government, there is no end So from the pages of my heart Let my worship begin but never end So ...
BIGGER EVERYDAY - LYRICS - LYRICS - LYRICS Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uhh Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uhh Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uhh Uh uh uh uh uhh [Repeat one more time with ad lib] Pre-Chorus: I have Jesus in my life (I’m) living for His glory I’m on fire everyday And nothing can stop me Doesn't no matter what I face I am getting bigger everyday Everyday [4x] Chorus: We getting bigger everyday Bigger everyday We getting bigger everyday Bigger Everyday No limitations We’ve taken over We getting bigger everyday [2x] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Verse 1: When we step in the arena It's a banger Silence the voice of failure We make success louder oh Bigger and bigger, we’re bigger And it’s realer than real And we are on fire And this is the Life that we choose We balling in the Holy Ghost Higher we go We will never stop oh Verse 2: There’s a Spirit that’s alive in me The Spirit of the Lord And it’s taking me to levels Me I’ve never bee...
"SIFA" is a Swahili word that means ''Praise''. This is a praise song unto God for who He is and what he has done. Receive all praise ooh LORD..." " Sifa" Lyrics Intro: Heee eeeh eeah heee Heee eeeh eehh Hee hee hee Let everything that has breathe Hee hee hee Praise the Lord Hee heeee hee Halelujah Hee hee (x3) Verse 1: Sifa nutukufu tele tele eeh Kwam Mkombozi aliye safi Adui kayapata potea aaah Alitupasulia njia Akitongoza kule kule eeh Hebu sikia sauti ile Ya wateule wenye mavazi meupe Wakiimbe kwa tamu Hallelujah Hosanna Chorus: Pokea sifa Baba Hee hee hee hee Baba Sifa na utukufu Hee hee hee Baba Pokea sifa Baba Hee hee hee Baba Sifa na utukufu Hee hee hee Verse 2: Jehova Rapha Jehova Nissi Jehova Rohi Jehova Makkadeshan You are so righteous Your name is glorious Your name is marvelous You are the King of kings All the nations worship You All creation sing Your praise...
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