"THE GREAT I AM" by Prospa Ochimana

I've seen the God of wonders
Doing mighty things Healing the oppressed
Setting captives free
He's the lily of the valley
The bright and morning star
The Ruler of the nation
The great and mighty One
Heaven and earth adore Him
Angels bow before Him He's the mighty breasted One
The great I am
He is the great I am
Nobody like him
He is the great I am
He's holy and mighty
(Sang by Prospa alone)
He is the great I am The great I am
He is the great I am He are the great I am
(Backup singers now join with ad libs by Prospa)
You are the great I am You are the great I am 
You are the great I am You are the great I am
(Repeat the chorus again from the point the backups joined)

Instrumental interlude
oh... Hallelujah, hallelujah glory Lord
Halleluyah Lord we adore You

The heavens declare
Your great and mighty power (x2)
 You're greater than the greatest
You're mightier than the mightiest
You're stronger than the strongest 
Better than the best 
You're better than the best (x4) Yeah...

CHORUS: (with ad lib by Prospa)
You are the great I am 
You are the great I am 
You are the great I am 
You are the great I am
(Repeat the chorus again from the point the backups joined)

All creation bow in worship
To give You all the praise, the glory to You
You are Alpha, the Omega
The First and Last
Lion and the Lamb (yeah the Lion and the Lamb)
You are the soon coming King
Redeemer of my soul
Lifter of my head (x2)

CHORUS [( x3) (again with ad lib by Prospa)]

Credit: Lyrics got partly from https://www.musixmatch.com and further completed by Fishers' Music

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